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[English Translation] The Right To Be Happy (행복할 권리) - Musical 'The Man Who Laughs'

Updated: 8 hours ago

Performed by: Doyoung & cast playing 'Ursus' (2025)

English Lyrics:

[Ursus] Be grateful you survived in that state
Happiness is a privilege for the wealthy
Be content with the scraps of luck others leave behind
Happiness is nothing but a luxury for you

[Gwynplaine] Stop preaching; I don’t need it anymore
[Ursus] You’re the one blinded worse than Dea
A man who loses himself to greed, chasing only money
[Gwynplaine] I don’t want to live like you, father

[Ursus] Accept your fate
[Gwynplaine] Happiness is my rightful claim
I’ll find it with my own hands
[Ursus] We have no right to such a thing

[Ursus] Dea has only you—stay in your place
[Gwynplaine] I’ll protect Dea on my own
The wide world awaits me
[Ursus] All you’ll see is the cold, cruel world

[Ursus] Know your place
[Gwynplaine] I’ll rise even higher
Wealth and fame are waiting for me
[Ursus] Foolish dreams will ruin you

[Gwynplaine] Those words I’ve heard my whole life—
The world is a cruel place
A failed life can only blame the world
[Ursus] The wretches who scarred your face,
Those who abandoned you,
And even the ones who blinded Dea—it’s all the world’s fault

[Ursus] You must accept your fate
[Gwynplaine] Happiness is my rightful claim
[Both] The reason to protect life itself
Not even for a moment should it slip away
The right to be happy, granted by the heavens
The right to dedicate life to happiness


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